Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Breaking Investigation

Team e-mail 11.18.08

Hello Team!


Four hours ago PETA published the results of our newest undercover investigation from a turkey factory farm.  The undercover worker filmed workers torturing, mutilating, and maliciously killing turkeys. The following are just a few of the documented offenses:

·                       Employees stomped on turkeys' heads, punched turkeys, hit them on the head with a can of spray paint and pliers, and struck turkeys' heads against metal scaffolding.

·                       Men shoved feces and feed into turkeys' mouths and held turkeys' heads under water. Another bragged about jamming a broom stick 2 feet down a turkey's throat.

·                       A supervisor said he saw workers kill 450 turkeys with 2-by-4s.

·                       One man said he saw a coworker fatally inject turkey semen and sulfuric acid into turkeys' heads.

PETA’s undercover investigators are incredibly brave.  They are truly my heroes.  It is only because of their sacrifices that we are able to expose these horrors and stop them. 


And thanks to YOU for helping to end animal abuse like this.  If you want to know more about our undercover investigations (like how much they cost), check out The PETA Pack blog


Feel free to forward the investigation to all of your friends and family--the people you are asking to support you.  A few of you already have (thank you!). If your co-worker isn’t clear on why you are working so hard to raise funds for PETA, this may help explain it.


PETA’s work only happens because of donations.  That’s it.  Thank you so very much for running, walking, fundraising and donating to end the sort of atrocities that are on this video!!


Here’s some positive news you can share as well:  Yummy veggie Thanksgiving recipesJ  We don’t have to always focus on the bad (how turkeys are treated), we can also focus on the good, like hot artichoke dip and chocolate-pecan pie.  I’ve posted a very simple winter squash recipe to the blog as well.


Happy Training and Thank You for helping PETA!




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