Thursday, November 6, 2008

Directions to Training

Team e-mail 11.6.08

The PETA Pack kicks off this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. in San Francisco. Please see the directions below for exact location, and please print them and take them with you. Coach Darren and I are really looking forward to meeting you all! 


Recent questions:

1.  How does my fundraising work? 

            Easy-peasy!  When you register for The PETA Pack, you will be asked to create a username and password.  Remember them, because nobody else will have them! will automatically create a fundraising page for you.  This is what you send to your friends and family.  You want them to see your personal page, so that they donate to YOU and you get the credit.  Remember, the top fundraiser wins a trip for 2 to Hawaii!  You can access and personalize your page with the username and password that you wrote down when you registered.  Here’s a sweet example from PETAF staffer Karen:

            (Karen, I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first if I could use your page, but how could I not use your page when your dogs are so cute?!?)


2.  I might have to miss the first training, or one of the others.  Is that OK?

            Yes!   I hope you don’t miss any, or at least, not many.  But Coach Darren and I realize you are all very busy.  If you need to skip a Saturday morning run one week, and run on Sunday instead, that’s OK.  If you need to go on vacation and miss a few runs, that’s OK, you can run on vacation!  Or you can cross-train, or you can use those days as “recovery days.”  When you register you receive your master training plan and you can make that fit your schedule.


3.  What do I eat on Saturday morning??

            We’ll be talking about food a lot during the next 13 weeks!  Don’t run on an empty stomach—you’ll run out of energy.  But don’t spend an hour at the all-you-can-eat buffet either.  Some oatmeal, cereal or simple toast will be fine.  Every runner is different and you’ll want to experiment over the next few weeks.  I eat the exact same thing before every run:  One toasted nuts and cranberry Luna bar (the only one that doesn’t have frosting), one banana, and one small cup of coffee with soymilk. 

            After running is when to eat.  J  You can get a gorgeous vegan brunch at Herbivore, CafĂ© Organic Lettus or even Greens, right next to our training spot!


And last but not least: 

4.  What if it rains?

            Training happens rain or shine!  Throw a dry pair of sweats in your car, to change into after running.  Once you get going you’ll enjoy it.  You’ll be outside, you’ll be warm from running, and you’ll be proud of yourself.  Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a runner in the rain and thought, “Whoa, she’s hardcore!”  Well, now you get to be that person, impressing everyone who drives by.  And think of this:  If you run, you’re going to feel awesome at the end of the day, knowing you did it.  If you don’t run, you’re going to feel bummed out.  Since you ARE awesome, signing up for the team, you may as well FEEL awesome! 


See you on Saturday.  Can’t wait!



 The PETA Pack Saturday Group Runs

Please print and take these directions with you!


SCHEDULE:  9:00 a.m. every Saturday morning, from November 8th to January 24th.   November 8th is our meet and greet; come meet the coach and bring your friends who are thinking about joining the team. 


We’ll meet at the base of Ft. Mason Park, which is the corner of Laguna Street and Marina Boulevard in San Francisco.  Here is a map.  Please print the map and put it in your fanny pack!


There is a Safeway just across the street.  If you stand with your back to the Safeway, facing the ocean, we’ll be on the right.  We’ll be at the bottom of the hill near the entry gates to Ft. Mason.  It’s very easy to find.


PARKING:  Lots!  Go back to standing with your back to Safeway (poor Safeway).  Our meeting place is on the right, and straight ahead and to the left you’ll see one long parking lot.   You enter it via Buchanan Street.  Buchanan is one block to the West, or to the left, and it dead ends into the parking.  Drive into the parking area and turn left.  You’ll see a long road that follows the water and has tons of parking spaces on both sides.  On the map this is called Marina Green Drive, but it’s really more of a parking lot than a road.


Please leave early, especially the first time.  You may end up with a five minute walk from your car to the team (that’s called a warm up), or you may need to hit the restrooms. 


FACILITIES: Lots!  Safeway has restrooms open to the public, and of course, all the water and energy bars you might need.  And ice for your ice bath but we don’t need to talk about that until later in the training.  Additionally, there are restrooms and water fountains right in the middle of the Marina Green Drive parking lot.  If that’s not enough, there are also restrooms and water fountains up the hill into Ft. Mason Park, above our meeting place. 


Please leave enough time to park, test out the facilities, and meet us by 9.


Don’t bring anything to the training except you and your running clothes.  Leave the rest in your car and tie your key to your shoelace.  Your lip balm, sunscreen and handkerchief can go in a pocket or fanny pack, your water bottle in your hand, and you’ll tie your jacket around your waist when you get warmed up.  Don’t worry if it’s cold at first.  We’ll warm up right away! 


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