Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Some People Get Involved with Gangs, or Heavy Shopping, or Couch Potato Disease...

But not you.

Next time you’re feeling blue, check out the list below.

How many people do you know who are:
1. Living a busy life
2. Training for a race
AND 3. Actively helping change the world for animals?

“Not many” is the answer. So don’t forget that you are part of a small, powerful group of people who actually walk* their talk!
*run their talk, actually. :)

None of the below would have happened without donations. THANK YOU, PETA Pack!!

In the past year alone, PETA...

*Conducted 6 major undercover investigations and more than a dozen others covering all types of animal abuse including:
A supplier of live animals to Petsmart and Petco
Bear baiting in Canada
The largest kosher slaughterhouse in the world
A huge pig breeding farm in Iowa
A chicken slaughterhouse in New York
A turkey slaughterhouse in West Virginia

*Filed more than 26 shareholder resolutions to challenge companies including well-known names like Safeway, Pfizer, Dow Chemical and GE. PETA is once again the most active non-profit in shareholder resolutions, over any other group of any cause.

*Had over 63 million people visit our websites (!!). Thanks to Joel Bartlett and the amazing team at PETA Headquarters for that number!

*Gave away more than 500,000 free VSK’s (you don’t have to order one online—just ask me and I’ll pop one in the mail right away).

*Conducted 1,200 protests with our International grassroots Activist Network.

*Reached a milestone of more than 1.8 million PETA2 members and over 380,000 Street Team activists (one of the best being our very own PETA Packer Beau Broughton!).

*Fielded more than 14,000 animal cruelty calls.

*Had 600 LTE’s and 1,000 OpEd’s printed in major print media.

*Spay/neutered 7,500 dogs and cats.

*Hosted 76 interns from 11 countries.

And just last week we:

*Persuaded Dollar Tree (3,400 stores) to stop selling glue traps.

*Persuaded Donna Karan to stop using fur.

*Filed a shareholder resolution with Schering Plough.

*Released a new PSA with Emmy Lou Harris about keeping dogs inside.

*Persuaded the FDA to rule that stevia natural sweetener does not need to be tested on animals.

*Rescued 49 dogs from a terrible puppy mill in Oklahoma—the dogs are now safe at the Missouri Humane Society.

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