Thursday, January 8, 2009

Send music, please!

Hello Team!
A few quick things, and a request for your feedback.

MUSIC DURING THE RACE: Several of you have asked about this. Yes, our race will allow the use of headphones, but they do ask for a compromise. Please only use one ear bud and leave the other ear open. This is for safety concerns. They want runners to hear things like, “Run for your life, there’s a gigantic monster chasing you!” Or, “Turn here for the 5k course.”

FREE SHUTTLE: This race will provide a free shuttle service between the parking areas and the start and finish lines. They *will* allow non-registered runners to use these shuttles. So your partner, fan club, personal assistant and masseuse can ride along with you.

HOSTING PEOPLE FROM FAR AWAY LANDS: As you all know, we have some fabulous runners coming from out of town. If you live in or near San Francisco, and you’d like to host someone from, say, the East Coast (oooh! How exotic!), let me know. I know you all want to host Lynne and Stephen from Canada, but they’re taken care of, thank you very much. J

FEEDBACK, PLEASE: What’s your favorite running music? Please share. If you have a song or two that really gets you going, your team mates need it! Please send me your suggestions and I’ll share the list with everyone next week. Some suggestions below.

Have a wonderful week and remember…send your music tips, please!


Let’s Get It Started: Black Eyed Peas
Suddenly I See: KT Turnstall
Freedom: Rage (I have no idea who “Rage” is, but people keep mentioning it on running blogs)
Do-Re-Me: The Sound of Music
A Little Less Conversation: Elvis

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