Friday, January 16, 2009

Ice Baths: Not Really So Bad! Or: Ice Baths--Because Challenges are Good (right?)!

Ready to try it?

First, read this article from Runner’s Time.
“For runners in particular, ice baths offer two distinct improvements over traditional techniques.”

And this one from Runner’s World—great article, but I don’t like the use of the word “cryotherapy.” That’s just creepy.

Here’s how to turn your home bath into a locker room for elite athletes (you):

*Plan ahead. On your drive home from the long run, stop and by 2 large bags of ice from a store or gas station.

*Fill your tub halfway with cold water.

*Wear a long-sleeved old shirt, your underwear, and a hat.

*Make a big cup of hot tea, coffee or chocolate (try the tea—your system is probably full of caffeine and sugar if you just did a long run with gels and gu’s!).

*Put the tea, a watch, a book and the bags of ice next to your tub.

*Get in the tub. Just do it. You can’t dabble a toe in the water or think about it—just hop in and sit down before your brain has time to stop you. :) THEN pour the ice in. It’s much easier to sit in water that is merely cold, as opposed to bitterly cold.

*Sit there for about 10 minutes, reading if possible. Deena Kastor, one of the best runners in the world, uses loud music to get through her daily (!) ice baths. She cranks up Madonna and sings along, loudly, to pass the time.

*When your timer goes off...that’s it! Don’t take a hot shower yet, you want your muscles to keep cooling. Put on your warmest pj’s, drink more tea, send out a fundraising e-mail to your family telling them how you’re sitting in ice for the animals…then, 30 minutes later, take a nice hot bath or shower.

Enjoy! (I guess I should say, “Good luck!”)


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